Worldwide, more than 1 billion people speak English as a second language. For some, the motivation to learn English stems from a desire to satisfy their curiosity; they want to discover more about a language and culture that is different from their own. But for many, there […]
What is a Language Assistant? A language assistant, known as an auxiliar de conversación in Spanish, is a native English speaker who spends a year in Spain supporting teachers in public primary or secondary schools. The purpose of this program is to bring native-level English speakers into […]
If you are soon going to Spain, we are sure that one of the things on your bucket list is learning Spanish, improving your Spanish or perfecting your Spanish! We’re going to be sharing great effective ways for you to do so. However, before we […]
A day in the life of a Language Assistant, known as an Auxiliar de Conversación, is like most things in life, where there are seasons of regularity, punctuated by days and weeks that are a little less regular, but nonetheless exciting. Most Language Assistants, especially […]