You can apply directly to the program without a background check but, later on in the process, you will be required to obtain a national background check that the Spanish Consulate will use to issue your visa based on your criminal history. Also, after arriving in Spain, you will be required to obtain a background check from the Spanish Ministry of Justice before you are allowed to work with minors. We will completely guide you through both background checks. If you have a question about something that will appear in a background check, and whether or not it will make you ineligible for the program or for a Spanish visa, please contact your Program Specialist and they will use the utmost discretion and privacy, without judgment, in honestly answering your question.
If you have been detained, arrested, or charged with a felony, you have little chance of being granted a visa, although we recommend speaking to your local Spanish Consulate first to seek their advice. If the crime was a misdemeanor, such as DUI / DWI, shoplifting, underage drinking, or possession of a small amount of illegal substances, your chances could be better, but we cannot make any guarantees. A pattern of behavior could be grounds of denial, even for misdemeanors.
It is required to present a background check from any country you’ve lived in for over 6 months in the last 5 years.
If you have any more questions check out our FAQ’s page or contact our team for more information.