Teaching English abroad is a dream for many, as it gives you the opportunity to travel and explore another culture while also making money to support yourself. If this is a dream of yours, you might be wondering what it’s like. In this blog we’ll go through what it’s like to teach English in Spain at a glance.
The biggest benefit of living in Spain? Spanish culture! Spanish people are known to be friendly and open. Working as a language assistant in Spain gives you the opportunity to live in Spain for a full school-year, meaning you really get to embrace yourself in the Spanish culture. For many, the biggest cultural difference is how much more laid-back Spain is. Spanish people value their free-time, and the work-life balance in Spain allows for much more of it. It is very typical to see people sitting at cafes for hours, enjoying their coffee and talking to friends. In the middle of the day, from around 2pm-5pm, shops are typically closed for “siesta”. This gives the workers time to go home and have a meal, and even a nap, before finishing work for the day.

Teachers in Spain usually start their day around 9 in the morning, which is when the first class starts. English classes are usually interactive, meaning the students are participating orally in different activities. When you work as a language assistant, you are in the classroom to interact with the students as much as possible, so that they can practice their English. Listening to your native accent will help them improve their pronunciation. This is a fun job, as the students are often very curious and motivated to learn from a native speaker. They will also love to hear about your country and cultural background! Lunch is typically eaten at the school, with the students. Some schools have cafeterias that serve lunch, but in many cases, you will bring your own lunchbox. The school day usually ends around 2pm, giving you plenty of time to enjoy the afternoon. Maybe try out some Spanish foods?

Do you think this lifestyle sounds interesting? Contact our team today and we’ll help you fulfill your dream of teaching English abroad in Spain!